AAJI Mobile-Exam is an application that can be used by anyone who wants to register as a candidate for life insurance agent and the AAJI certification exam that can be done anywhere and anytime.
Q: Photo ID is difficult to upload?
A: our application uses an ID card detection system with AI, to filter and validate the ID card photo data of prospective agents who will take the exam, so that the ID card and other data in the ID card must be clearly visible (not blurry, not dark, and not covered by smudges. scratches), in order to be processed by the system in our application. besides that there is also data filtering by matching the nik with the previous registrant, if the nik data has been previously registered, and you have been registered with the previous insurance company, please contact the place you previously registered for data validation.
Q: What do you get after the ID photo is not the same as the original?
A: You can contact the company where you registered, to apply for data correction.
Q: What is a unique code?
A: Unique code, is a code that we provide via SMS, for agents who have taken previous exams in aaji with another exam method (paper / cbt), and want to take the exam again using the mobile method.
Q: When and how to get a unique code?
A: We provide a unique code via SMS. when your registration by the destination company has been approved. If you register and a request for a unique code appears at the time of your ID card, please contact the company where you were previously registered so that your data can be processed.
Q: I entered the wrong company name I want to go to?
A: If the company does not process your data, you can wait 3 days to change the company you want to go to in the change company menu that is designated on the left side of the application (side menu). if the company has processed your data, and you have been contacted by the company, please confirm with the company so that your data can be deleted / rejected, and you can re-register on the application.
Q: I forgot my password?
A: To reset your password, please go to the forgot password menu, we provide 3 options to reset your password.
Q: I have registered via this application, then when is the exam?
A: The exam will be held after you are contacted by the company you registered with. and the company has approved your data to take the exam, through our website.
Q: Applications always hang?
A: make sure to use an android device with the OS we recommend that is 7.0 (Nougat) with a working front and back camera. besides that, also check the availability of the network at your place, because our application will always ask for data from the server.
Q: I'm on an exam but the server has problems?
A: You can submit a retest to the company where you registered, by including proof of screenshot or video recording stating the server has a problem. we will process the retest, free of charge.
Q: what is an existing registrant?
A: Your ID card number has been used on another account.
If you have 2 accounts with different cellphone numbers, please use only 1 account because the account will not be deleted, if you forget your password, you can use the forgot password feature, and if your cellphone number changes, you can use the change cellphone number feature exists after login. to apply for data correction, you can contact the company where you registered after you have been contacted by the company concerned.
For other questions, you can ask aaji's customer service who you can contact when your data has been approved.